Cafea Monsooned Malabar India

Cafea Monsooned Malabar India
Cod produs: C 08

Livrare Expres: 35 Lei
Estimare Livrare, Miercuri, 06 nov.

  • Livrare Gratuita la comenzile de minim 250 RON
  • Plata securizata prin card bancar
24,95 Lei

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  Pretul afisat este pentru 50g, iar unitatea minima de vanzare este de 250g.

Cafeaua se comercializeaza boabe. Daca o doriti rasnita, specificati granulatia dorita in comanda, in functie de tipul de cafea pe care il consumati.

  1. CAFEA
  2. Cafea Boabe
  3. Cafea Monsooned Malabar India

In zilele de inceput ale navigatiei, le lua vaselor aproximativ sase luni sa ajunga in Europa din India. Datorita calatoriei cu schimbari climatice substantiale, proprietatile cafelei se schimbau substantial pe durata drumului. Astazi, producatorii profita de avantajele musonului pentru a produce o Specialitate de Cafea cu aceleasi caracteristici, insa fara lunga intarziere. Procesul traditional de "expunere la muson" are loc in Malabar, care este la nord de Cochin, pe coasta de vest a Indiei. Atmosfera bogata in umezeala din zona strabatuta de muson produce schimbari calitative si cantitative in boabele de cafea, care rezulta in gustul delicat, unic.

Procesul are loc din iunie pana in septembrie cand musonul de sud-vest este cel mai intens. In timpul procesului, boabele absorb umezeala si capata gustul si mirosul specific. Doar boabele de calitate superioara sunt folosite, asezate in straturi de 10 - 15cm pe podele de ciment in depozite bine ventilate. Climatul le permite sa se umfle si sunt lasate sa absoarba umezeala pana au intre 16-20% apa. Culoarea boabelor devine un maroniu/galben pai si sunt pastrate in saci de iuta, cu spatii generoase printre saci pentru ca aerul sa poata circula si procesul de absorbtie a umezelii sa poata continua. La intervale regulate de 6-8 zile sunt reambalate in alti saci pentru a preveni mucegairea si pentru a asigura absorbtia uniforma.

Marca noastra personala - Chez Madame

Cafeaua se comercializeaza boabe. Daca o doriti rasnita, specificati granulatia dorita in comanda, in functie de tipul de cafea pe care il consumati.


In the early days of sailing, it took clippers about six months to reach Europe. Due to the change in climate the coffee changed its original bean style, colour, size and flavour. Nowadays, Indian producers take adantage of the Monsoon to produce a specialty coffee with just the same characteristics as in the old days - without the delays. Our Monsooned coffees are exclusively prepared and imported from India. The traditional process of Monsooning is carried out in Malabar, which is North of Cochin on the Western coast of India. The humid Monsooned atmospere brings about the quantitative and qualitative changes in the coffee beans, which create the unique mellow cup.

The Monsooning process is carried out from June to September when Southwest Monsoon is at its most intense. During the process, the beans pick up moisture and gain their particular taste and characteristics and odour. Once the coffee beans arrive there, they are processed, graded and garbled selecting only "A" grade beans and laid out on well ventilated cement floors of godowns in layers of 10 to 15 cm thickness during hot humid weather. This climate enables the beans to swell and absorb moisture. The coffee beans absorb moisture from the atmosphere until they have 16-20 percent of moisture. The colour of the bean turns brownish/straw yellow colour. The coffee beans are than loosely filled in gunny bags and stacked with sufficient space between rows for the Monsoon air to circulate freely around the bags for further uniformity in absorption of moisture. The coffee are bulked and again re-bagged at regular intervals of 6-8 days to prevent mould growth and also to ensure a uniform Monsooning process.

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